panic n. 1.恐慌,惊慌;【商业】(金融方面的)大恐慌。 2.〔美剧俚〕成功;热狂。 3.〔俚语〕非常滑稽的人[事、物]。 be seized with a panic 恐慌起来。 get up a panic 起恐慌。 no panic 〔美剧俚〕不大高明,平凡。 adj. 1.恐慌的,惊慌的。 2.(恐慌心理)没来由的,无谓的;过度的。 a panic price 恐慌价格,跌落不已的价格。 a panic fear [fright] 无谓的恐惧。 vt. 1.使起恐慌。 2.〔美剧俚〕使狂热,使喝彩。 vi. 极其惊慌(over)。 n. 【植物;植物学】稗;黍,稷,糜子(=panic grass)。 adj. 潘神的,牧人之神的。
The small boy looked round in panic . 小男孩心慌意乱地四下张望着。
The few soldiers there withdrew in panic . 驻守在那里的一小只部队仓惶后撤。
At first , this can result in panic attacks 一开始,这会引起惊恐。
The others run off in panic , leaving one of their prisoners behind 他射死了好几个野人;其余的丢下一个俘虏仓惶逃走。
Everyone in panic . i was already calling an ambulance and then , she justgot up 每个人都惊慌不已。我叫了救护车然后,她却站了起来
Fox walks in a very arrogant way , followed by the tigers . all animals flee in panic 小狐狸昂首阔步带老虎走三四圈,小动物惊慌地逃跑。
With the squirrel still hanging from her hand , the woman ran onto the street in panic , where she managed to shake it off 一位妇女惊慌失措地冲到街上,手上还悬着那一只松鼠。她最终将其甩掉。
In panic buying monday and tuesday , customers stripped supermarkets and stores of bottled water and other beverages 在星期一和星期二的购买狂潮中,顾客把超级市场和商店里的瓶装水和饮料一扫而空。
In one location , the first sign of dust may be 18 hours ahead of the shift , and all run in panic to shelters 在一个地方,最初的尘埃信号可能是在地极转换的18个小时之前,人们全都恐慌地奔跑来隐蔽自己。
The magic suddenly vanished , and the frogs fell from the leaves in panic , some fell on trees , others on rooftops 突然魔法磨灭了,青蛙惊慌的从叶子上掉自上而下,整其中的其中一些掉在树上,整其中的其中一些掉在房顶上。